Powerful Performance Dashboard for Progressive & High Performing Law Firms
Developed with Law Firms, for Law Firms!
Practice Intelligence brings your firms data together in an easy to understand, multi-level series of dashboards
With management and individual views, Practice Intelligence gets fast buy in from your team and allows managers to have the conversations that they want to have with their teams.
In addition to saving the time it takes to create management reports, Practice Intelligence allows the reader to drill down into the granular detail to understand the cause of the results when they need to.
The impact of implementing Practice Intelligence was immediate, and made all Producers conscious of their performance metrics and gave Partners/ Management easy access to valuable insights across all Teams.
Peter Rothwell, Finance Manager at Govett Quilliam
What is Practice Intelligence?
Practice Intelligence is a reporting dashboard developed specifically for partners and managers of progressive law firms who want to understand what is happening in their firm on a daily basis.
Developed on the customisable Power BI platform from Microsoft, Practice Intelligence breaks down data into 5 main areas including company overview, team, solicitor, client and fees. These are only viewable by those with permission.
“The IT Simply Team are fantastic to work with. Nothing seems to be a problem and they have a great understanding of how law firms work and what the drivers of performance are. We thought that we had a good understanding of our business until IT Simply produced PowerBI-based reporting for us that opened our eyes to many of the performance measures and metrics that we rely on. Tasks that once took us hours to produce analysis and reporting are now at our fingertips. We are continuing to improve our performance and could not easily do this without the insights that IT Simply deliver us via PowerBI. We are really looking forward to the next steps in our journey where the insights are translated into actions that drive more material performance improvements. IT Simply will be a big part of this.”
Cameron Madgwick, Chief Executive Officer at Gibson Sheat Lawyers
Management Dashboards
The management and partner dashboards can only be viewed by the partners and management team.
Management Dashboards in Practice Intelligence include:
- Company overview including fees vs budgets
- Current WIP and debtors by group, team authors and clients
- Fees vs budgets for teams and individual authors
- Team averages across the firm
- Client fees and time by matter and by team
- Chargeable time by activity and author for the last 12 months

Partners have easy access to a wealth of practice metrics in both Windows and iOS environments and authors have quick and easy access to key metrics such as daily hours and detailed WIP and debtor information.
Peter Rothwell, Finance Manager at Govett Quilliam
Individual Author Dashboards

Each Author has access to their own dashboard so they monitor their own progress compared to budget. There are 4 separate individual author dashboards that include:
- Chargeable time vs budget and billed for month and year to date to yesterday
- Average chargeable hours per day for this month and year to date
- WIP and debtor information for the individual authors
- Individual KPI tracking of fees and time.
Client Details
The dashboard gives you a snapshot of what individual client are worth to your firm. This view is for Partners and Management only and displays:
- Fees year to date, fees year to date for the same period last year and total fees this client has been charged
- Fees by practice group for the last 12 months
- Fees for this client by matter for the last 12 months
- Fees detail by author and matter by date

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